
Meet the Faculty

Dr. Kurt Fabian, Psya.D.

Contact Information

Personal Statement

When I started my Master’s degree in Pennsylvania, it was recommended that students enroll in therapy while working towards the counseling degree. At the time, I did not have a therapist, so I went to the administrative office where there were business cards of local therapists. Randomly, I chose the one for a modern psychoanalyst. At the time, I knew very little about psychoanalysis. This experience was the start of my journey toward emotional change and eventually the inspiration to become a psychoanalyst myself.

I moved to Boston in 2012 and enrolled in the doctoral program at The Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis while continuing to work under my LMHC and LPC in a community mental health clinic. In 2015, I transitioned to private practice in downtown Boston. I also supervised Master’s level students and worked as a Fellow at BGSP. Since earning my doctoral degree, I have become a faculty member and look forward to teaching, supervising, and continuing my private practice.

Program Affiliation

Programs in Psychoanalysis and Clinical Mental Health Counseling


Psya.D., Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis, 2021
M.A., Eastern University, 2009