Dr. Helen Michael, Cert. Psya., Psya. D., M.S.W.
Contact Information
Personal Statement
I was originally trained as a social worker, and I came to BGSP in the 1970s to see what psychoanalytic training could offer in terms of expanding my clinical skills. When I signed up for the Infancy course, I wasn’t quite sure what I was going to get, but I soon knew that I had never seen anything quite like it before. This was process teaching, and I became fascinated by the powerful impact that could be achieved through emotional communication. As someone who loves literature and loves to write, I have also been delighted with how nicely modern psychoanalysis meshes with these interests. The great themes of literature are in all of us, as authors struggle with their unconscious conflicts during the process of creating. Work inhibition has become a particular area of interest for me, and it’s satisfying to find that psychoanalysis can be effective, both in the working through of blocks that interfere with productivity and in the enrichment of the work itself, allowing us to deal better with conflict as we become more comfortable with ourselves.
Program Affiliation
Programs in Psychoanalysis and Clinical Mental Health Counseling
Psya.D., Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis, 2011
Cert. Psya., Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis, 2001
M.S.W. Smith College