
Meet the Faculty

Dr. Shirin W. Sajadi, Psya.D.

Contact Information

Personal Statement

I have always loved people’s stories. At a young age, after I read every storybook and novel I could get my hands on, I started reading the “stories” (case studies) in psychology and psychiatry textbooks. I found solace and excitement in delving into the wonders of the human mind. However, my first psychoanalytic book changed it all at the age of thirteen. I stumbled upon Eric Berne’s “Games People Play.” It introduced me to the notion of the unconscious. I discovered an entirely new dimension to human interactions. I learned that there was a discernable dynamic within them. This discovery drastically shifted my worldview and forever changed the trajectory of my journey in studying humanities.

One of the aspects I cherish most about psychoanalysis is its inherent creativity in thinking and practice. In the therapeutic space, imagination takes flight, allowing for exploring hidden realms and uncharted territories of the psyche. A tapestry of images, symbols, and metaphors emerges through the creative interplay between analyst and patient. This cocreation unveils novel perspectives and new emotions, leading to profound self-discovery and healing. As a psychoanalyst, I am captivated by people’s stories every day. Each person carries a unique narrative, a collection of memories, emotions, and desires that shape their lives. I cannot imagine a more fulfilling job than that of a listener, sitting alongside people as they share and rewrite their narratives. It is a privilege to witness the transformation and growth happening as individuals navigate their minds.

I entered the field of psychoanalysis to understand myself as a human being and as a woman, yet I also found it to be a valuable critical thinking tool. My dealings with psychoanalysis and feminism, another major influence on my thinking, have mutually shaped each other. No subject within psychoanalysis has intrigued me more than human sexuality and the intricate concept of gender. The complexity of these aspects of the human psyche never ceases to amaze me. This fascination fuels my quest to comprehend the mechanisms of human sexuality and the profound influence gender holds over our lives. As a result, much of my academic effort is dedicated to feminist studies and exploring the “fantasies” of gender and sexuality.

These days, my time is divided between my private practice, research, and my role as the Director of Admissions and faculty member at BGSP.

Program Affiliation

Programs in Psychoanalysis and Clinical Mental Health Counseling


Psya.D. Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis, 2023


Gender, Sexuality, Fantasy, Language, Technology in Psychoanalysis.