
Alumni Profiles

Ranjana Mayar | MA

Current Student,  Doctor of Psychoanalysis
Graduate,  Master of Arts in Mental Health Counseling*

As BGSP’s motto states, “It’s a Transformative Experience”. My experience in BGSP’ Master’s in Mental Health Counseling program has been exactly that. Along with theoretical learning and practical training, BGSP provided a venue to explore the vast emotions that were evoked in classes, with patients, and in analysis. The journey of maturation and self-awareness has taken me to new understanding of my own emotional and mental states, which I am able to take with me into the therapy room to understand my patients.

As a candidate in the Doctor of Psychoanalysis program, I have the opportunity to immerse in discussions with other Doctoral students and Professors which enhance my psychoanalytic training and benefit me in my clinical work.

I am fortunate to be able to take my training and psychoanalysis into the mental health field in private practice and at a clinic. BGSP prepared me to work alongside therapists from other therapeutic disciplines while maintaining the integrity of psychoanalysis.


*This degree is now entitled Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling