
Alumni Profiles

Rana Homayouni | MA

Current Student,  Doctor of Psychoanalysis
Graduate,  Master of Arts in Mental Health Counseling*

BGSP has provided me with a space to better understand myself and by extension, understand my patients better. Classes are in-depth, stimulating and can challenge the mind in many ways. In a typical class, one can process feelings, learn new ideas and theories and understand group dynamics.

I am currently a candidate in the Doctor of Psychoanalysis Program and have received my Master’s degree from BGSP in Mental Health Counseling. I found BGSP’s unique way of immersing students in fieldwork, coupled with valuable supervision to be highly useful in my subsequent work with patients and my private practice.

BGSP also has a diverse student population and takes into consideration cultural nuances of patients and students alike. This has created a homelike environment for me, in which I feel included and accepted. I look forward to furthering my training at BGSP and deepening my knowledge in the field of psychoanalysis.

You can visit Rana Homayouni’s professional therapy website at www.ranahoma.com.


*This degree is now entitled Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling