
Alumni Profiles

R. Danielle Egan | PsyaD, PhD

Graduate,  Doctor of Psychoanalysis

As a professor of Gender and Sexuality Studies at St. Lawrence University, I have written about and taught psychoanalytic ideas for a long time. However, delving deeply into the techniques and practices of Modern Analysis has given me an entirely new perspective. Now, in addition to my work as a professor, I am a student in the clinical doctoral program here at BGSP. I joined the BGSP community in order to broaden my psychoanalytic horizons and train as a clinician. The Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis was the only school I found with a clinical program which focused on technique and pre-Oedipal cases.

My time here has been life changing. Learning to work clinically can be challenging, but the rewards are incredible.  I am truly inspired by the work we do and I find a lot of joy in learning the practice of psychoanalysis.  What I did not expect, however, was how this training would impact my work as a professor and writer. I find that I am more sensitive to the dynamics happening in any group context and, as a result, I am better equipped to handle them in ways that are far more productive.  It has also made me more aware of the deeply nuanced psychosocial aspects of my research into gender and sexuality studies. I could not have written my last book, Becoming Sexual: A Critical Appraisal of the Sexualization of Girls, without my BGSP education.

After graduation, I plan on opening a small practice in Canton, New York, the town where I am a professor. I love the fact that I will be able to create a life where my academic interests and clinical passion meet.

Dr. Egan is the Chair and Professor of Gender and Sexuality Studies at St. Lawrence University in Canton, NY and the author of Becoming Sexual: A Critical Appraisal of the Sexualization of Girls. To learn more about her book, please click here.