
Alumni Profiles

Joon ho Lee | PsyaD, Cert. Psya, NCPsyA

Graduate,  Doctor of Psychoanalysis and Master of Arts in Psychoanalysis

I came to Boston from South Korea in February 2005 to enroll in the Master’s program. It was big decision for me to quit a highly-coveted job and move half-way across the globe to attend a school which had never hosted a Korean student. However, BGSP offered just what I was looking for. I wanted to be trained as a psychoanalyst and I also wanted a degree. Furthermore, I did not hold a degree in medicine, psychology, or social work. In fact, I had studied English literature (which I later discovered was an advantage rather than a disadvantage). Therefore, BGSP was the perfect fit for me.

After completing the master’s program, I continued on to the doctoral level and started clinical training. I was impressed by the quality and individual care given in supervision. BGSP made sure that candidates were trained thoroughly in a safe and supportive environment. In 2012, I was offered a job by Hanshin University. They were starting a new master’s program in psychoanalysis and needed faculty. I was in the final stages of writing my dissertation so I returned to Seoul, Korea to accept the job while continuing my research project. A year later I returned to Boston to successfully defend my dissertation and became an assistant professor at Hanshin University. I owe my success to BGSP. In addition to the excellent training, the BGSP doctoral degree enabled me to enter the academic field in Korea. Currently, I continue to teach at the Hanshin Graduate School of Psychoanalysis which has been flourishing. I am also the director of the Gwanghwamun Psychotherapy Center where I have a full practice.