
The Campaign for BGSP

BGSP’s mission has remained steadfast for fifty years: to educate people to understand and work with unconscious constructive and destructive motivations of behavior, empowering students to remove impediments to the lasting growth of which virtually all people are capable.

The School’s current Strategic Plan, “BGSP@50: Train, Lead, and Serve,” establishes strategic objectives to pave the way for BGSP’s next 50 years by attracting new students to a fresh curriculum that highlights BGSP’s experiential approach to learning and is led by robust faculty, creating a meaningful and lasting impact on the local community and beyond.

  • Increase Engagement with Alumni and the Communities They Serve 
  • Recruit and Develop New Faculty 
  • Integrate More Contemporary Perspectives into the Curriculum 
  • Increase Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 
  • Develop Programs in Group and Organizational Dynamics 
  • Pilot Fully Remote Programs 
  • Build an Institutional Advancement Program 

Philanthropic support is critical to supporting these strategic objectives. The comprehensive Campaign for BGSP is a visionary $1.2M, five-year effort that will advance BGSP’s mission by providing financial aid to attract and train qualified students from all backgrounds and financial circumstances; supporting our faculty and their highly individualized approach to learning; and caring for our community with accessible mental health services. 

Read more about BGSP’s Campaign priorities.

Why give to BGSP?

People give to BGSP because they believe that understanding and addressing unconscious motivation is essential for relieving human suffering and promoting constructive interactions.

They have witnessed the power of a BGSP education to teach students to work with people who are in emotional pain or stuck in destructive patterns, with children struggling to learn or get by, with groups in distress or chaos, with families, and with other helping professionals. They appreciate the contribution that psychoanalysis makes to understanding the many challenges of living in today’s diverse and interconnected world.

They recognize the level of dedication and commitment of BGSP’s faculty, students, and volunteers – people who invest their time, expertise, money, and emotional lives to enable others to learn. Through BGSP’s affordable Therapy Center and programs in the Boston Public Schools, they see the impact that BGSP makes on the local communities.

And, they recognize the costs of providing exceptional education.

Campaign Leadership

BGSP is grateful to the alumni, faculty, and friends guiding this effort as members of the Campaign Steering Committee:

Dr. Paula Berman
Dr. Leslie Barnard
Chris Bierbrier
Joyce Fredkin
Alan Lucas
Jean Claude Noel
Dr. Carol Panetta
Deborah Smith
Dr. Jane Snyder
Robert Stolzberg

Support The Campaign for BGSP today.