

The Campaign for Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis
Campaign Priorities
The Strategic Plan
Ways to Give

People give to BGSP because they believe that understanding and addressing unconscious motivation is essential for relieving human suffering and promoting constructive interactions.

They have witnessed the power of a BGSP education to teach students to work with people who are in emotional pain or stuck in destructive patterns, with children struggling to learn or get by, with groups in distress or chaos, with families, and with other helping professionals. They appreciate the contribution that psychoanalysis makes to understanding the many challenges of living in today’s diverse and interconnected world.

They recognize the level of dedication and commitment of BGSP’s faculty, students, and volunteers – people who invest their time, expertise, money, and emotional lives to enable others to learn. Through BGSP’s affordable Therapy Center and programs in the Boston Public Schools, they see the impact that BGSP makes on the local communities.

And, they recognize the costs of providing exceptional education.

I am proudest of BGSP’s Therapy Center, which offers supervised psychoanalysis and psychotherapy at affordable rates. Around 200 patients, mainly young adults figuring out life’s pathways, avail themselves of this invaluable service annually.”

Joyce Fredkin
BGSP Trustee

BGSP Trustee, Joyce Fredkin

The Annual Fund: The Annual Fund supports every aspect of a BGSP education, including student support services, faculty salaries, financial aid, library services, academic programs, facilities, technology, and more. Gifts to the Annual Fund provide direct and immediate support to bridge the 23% gap between student revenue and the expenses of running the Graduate School.

Every Gift Matters: Your gift counts! Every annual gift has the same effect as an endowment 20 times the size of the gift.

Calling All Alumni: Every alumni gift supports BGSP’s reputation. Other donors use alumni participation as a gauge of BGSP’s vitality. By showing through your annual gift how much BGSP matters to you, you make BGSP matter to others.