
Fonagy, P-Playing With Reality

…Thinking about thinking: some clinical and theoretical considerations concerning the treatment of a borderline

patient.Int. J. Psychoanal., 72: 639-656.

Fonagy, P. & Higgitt, A. (1990). A…patients including William, there is a resistance to this kind of depressive

experience and the psychic conflicts which it foreshadows.

Freud’s (1913) formulation of psychic reality, which… [Read More]

Freud, S-Two instances of pathgenic phantasies revealed by the patients themselves

Freud, S. (1910). Two Instances of Pathogenic Phantasies Revealed by the Patients themselves.

Freud, S. (1910). Two Instances of Pathogenic Phantasies Revealed by the Patients themselves . The

…Revealed by the Patients themselves

Sigmund Freud


A SHORT while ago I saw a patient, about twenty years of age, who gave an unmistakable picture (confirmed… [Read More]

Levitt, Psychoanalyst, Artist and Critic

…a man.

One of the meanings of “fiction” given in the Oxford English Dictionary is “the action of ‘feigning’ or inventing imaginary incidents,

Copyright © 1976 by…

Psychoanalysis also searches for inner-directed and outer-directed truth among the lies of memory. The evocation of the past in the

labors of the patient is analogous to the

… [Read More]

Freud, S-Symbolism in Dreams-Introductory Lectures 149-169

…From the pond, or from the stream—once again, then, from the water. One of my patients after he
had been given this information—he was a little Count at the time—disappeared…
…not speak or understand German. During the last few years I have mainly treated
foreign-speaking patients, and I seem to remember that in their dreams too ‘Zimmer’ [‘room’] meant
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Dr. Mara Sanadi Wagner

My interest in theoretical depth and clinical mastery brought me from psychology to psychoanalysis. I am interested in how the truth can set us free, and in the many

… [Read More]