
Hamilton, Object Loss, Dreaming, and Creativity

…in September, his health failing rapidly, he set sail for Italy with his friend, the

painter Joseph Severn, in order to avoid the rigors of the English winter. He……his own aggressive impulses, thus straining his use of

reaction formation and overidentification with patients. His medical career ended finally after he underwent a brief period of

depersonalization… [Read More]


the building and await further direction from the Fire Department, law enforcement, or administration.
You are responsible for getting yourself and your patient or supervisee (if applicable) out of…
…contact with patients or students is antithetical and destructive to the treatment
and educational process. Faculty, therefore, avoid all sexual contact of an overt or covert nature with
their students,…
[Read More]

Annual Security Report 2019

Additionally, sexual contact with patients or students is antithetical and destructive to the treatment
and educational process. Faculty, therefore, avoid all sexual contact of an overt or covert… [Read More]

Annual Security Report 2020

…safe distance away from
the building and await further direction from the Fire Department, law enforcement, or administration.
You are responsible for getting yourself and your patient or supervisee (if…
[Read More]

BGSP Bulletin 2013-14

…sexual contact of an overt or covert
nature with their students, patients or former patients, even if such contact is invited
and/or consensual. Students, in the same way, avoid all…
…misrepresent their role in the School to
patients or potential referral sources.

3-6. Students who are seeing patients in the fieldwork externship, the counseling
practicum or internship, or… [Read More]

BGSP Bulletin 2017-18

…or former patients, even if such contact is invited and/or
consensual. Students, in the same way, avoid all sexual contact with patients.

The Graduate School will seriously and……writing papers report the results or process in such a
way that the patients or subjects are not identifiable.

3-5. Interns who are seeing patients in the fieldwork… [Read More]

BGSP Bulletin 2019-20

…writing papers report the results or process in such a
way that the patients or subjects are not identifiable.

3-5. Interns who are seeing patients in the fieldwork……confidentiality of
student records in their storage and disposal. The School does not release student or patient
records of any kind without the written permission of the student or patient
[Read More]

BGSP Bulletin 2020-21

…could be used to resolve such resistances regardless of the patient’s level of pathology. Modern
psychoanalytic theory and technique thus allowed a wider range of patients to be treated
…are non-native speakers of English may be asked to submit scores from
the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). Those educated outside the United States
also submit transcripts…
[Read More]

Midgley-Kennedy-Child Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Evidence Base-CriticalReview

were not excluded based on quality, but a post-hoc assessment of study
quality was made for each study that met inclusion criteria.

(e) Other criteria: only English-language publications……child
psychoanalysis was also looked at from the perspective of the patient (Midgley and
Target, 2005; Midgley et al., 2006). This study explored the memories of adults who
were in…
[Read More]

The Dream Work

The principle figure in the dream-content was my patient Irma. She

appeared with the features which were hers in real life, and thus, in

the dream-thoughts showed, I wanted to exchange my

patient. In so far as Irma appeared to have a diphtheritic membrane,

which recalled my anxiety about my… [Read More]