
Gambling The almost-winning addiction -The Economist


playing online poker to grannies buying lotto tickets.

For many it is just good fun, but for some it becomes

a debilitating addiction which wrecks lives:……a kind of slot machine while a

Gambling: The almost-winning addiction | The Economist http://www.economist.com/node/16056339/print

1 of 2 7/28/2013 5:12 PM

functional magnetic-resonance imaging scanner examined their… [Read More]

Therapy Center Manual 2019

…be found online under Current Students→Student
Resource Center. Log in to the website using your BGSP library login

1A Application for Candidacy
2A Case Information Form
3A……14A Termination Report
15A Interruption of Treatment Report
16A Patient Consent Form to Transfer out of Therapy Center
17A Record of Patient History
18A Patient Contact Information


… [Read More]

Student Handbook 2012

…remotely. All students are given a
user name and password to access library databases. All readings and syllabi for BGSP
classes are available in the library and online with the…
…tuition and fees are published in the Bulletin published online and in the
registration materials produced each semester. Changes in the tuition or fees as well as
deadlines for registration,…
[Read More]

Specialization in Addictions Counseling

Regardless of clinical setting, counselors almost always face the challenge of working with people with addictions.  Through additional coursework and a specialized internship, this track prepares students for addictions

… [Read More]

Shedler Scientific American


© 2010 Scientific American

www.Sc ient i f icAmerican.com/Mind SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN MIND 53

Jeffrey (not his real name) came to treatment complaining of depression, anxiety and…

evolved new meth-
ods and may be the

best way to tackle
recurring problems.

© 2010 Scientific American

www.Sc ient i f icAmerican.com/Mind… [Read More]

Meadow, P-The Children We Teach

…something the teacher will say before classmates.

The cerebral cortex developed in man as a further step to protect him against intrusive experience. It stores
no memories and……Mod. Psychoanal., 7:81-86.

Page 1 of 3PEP Web – The Children We Teach


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educationally, we must wait for their contact with… [Read More]