
Interventions for smoking cessation and red


with chronic schizophrenia. Biological Psychiatry 1995;37


Meszaros 2012 �published and unpublished data�

Meszaros ZS. Varenicline Treatment in Alcohol and

Nicotine Dependent Patients With…

been suggested as a major contributing factor to higher morbidity

and mortality from malignancy and cardiovascular and respiratory

diseases in this group of patients, especially in people

… [Read More]

program catalog

…over the course of three or more semesters as part of their clinical
studies, seeing four patients per week in a setting for psychotic or very regressed

patients….…a Therapy Center Fellow, who serves as
the student’s advisor and assigns patients. The student works with a caseload of at

least three patients, seen at least once… [Read More]

Clinical Catalog October 2014


dynamics and the therapist’s feelings; and resonate with the patient.

PT 2611 Diagnosis and Case Formulation
Prerequisites: A minimum of two semesters of PT 2610……research, and clinical studies. Students complete a fieldwork

externship over the course of three or more semesters as part of their clinical

studies, seeing four patients… [Read More]

Clinical Catalog January 2017

…experience with patients to learn about case management issues at
different stages of treatment, including how to: establish a contract; promote understanding of
the patient’s unconscious dynamics as revealed through…
…a setting for psychotic or very regressed
patients. Students culminate their studies with a Master’s paper or thesis. In addition, students
are required to engage in a training analysis throughout…
[Read More]

Clinical Catalog March 2017

…and assigns patients. The student works with a caseload of at least three patients, seen at least


once per week, over the course of the…per week in a setting for psychotic or very regressed
patients. Students culminate their studies with a Master’s paper or thesis. In addition, students
are required to engage in a…
[Read More]

Stein-How Dreams are Told

…point out, his cultural origins.

We may begin with some questions about how we observe dreams in practice. When a patient reports a dream, how do we know

…render it more logical, reasonable, and acceptable to common sense. Isakower (1954) suggested using the

term, “redaction,” meaning “reduction to literary form” (Oxford English Dictionary, 1971). It was a… [Read More]

Psya.D. & Certificate Catalog August 2017

…character structures and psychopathology, integrating academic study with clinical work to

understand patients’ repetitions, defenses, resistances, and symbolic communications. In

clinical supervision, candidates learn to use…theory and ability
to apply this understanding to clinical cases.

2) Students demonstrate understanding of their patients, including transference-
countertransference dynamics, past and current resistances as they relate… [Read More]

Psya.D. & Certificate Catalog September 2017

…of patient contact. In-depth study of the single case focuses on
resolution of resistances in the treatment and comprehensive understanding of the patient’s
dynamics. A minimum of fifty hours of…
…explores the full range of character

structures and psychopathology, integrating academic study with clinical work to understand

patients’ repetitions, defenses, resistances, and symbolic communications. In clinical… [Read More]