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Spotnitz, H-resistance of the non-communicating patient in the group

…in the Group*


therapeutic relationship itself. Id resistance is associated with an unwillingness to lose some form of
instinctual gratification which is important to the patient. Finally,……educating the group to the need to keep communications

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When… [Read More]

Stein, The Artist of the Beautiful


1 of 4 10/16/2014 2:59 PM


In this reactivation of his childhood trauma, as Hawthorne indicates, Warland relapses “into the state whence he had been……copy, distribute or circulate it in any form whatsoever.

PEP Web – “The Artist of the Beautiful”: Narcissus and the Thimble http://www.pep-web.org/document.php?id=aim.018.0035a&type=hitlist…

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… [Read More]

Goldwater, E-From Pleasure to Reality Through Fantasy-What do Children Need

…Fantasy: What do Children Need?. Mod. Psychoanal., 22:167-173.

Page 1 of 4PEP Web – From Pleasure to Reality, Through Fantasy: What do Children Need?


In order…


Looking back on this experience many years later, she said that she thought her parents had handled the
situation right, and that it was never a big

… [Read More]

Wangh-Day Residue in Dream and Myth

…to establish

connections between preconscious elements in the artist’s work and those of which he had always been aware. The contribution desired from

the storehouse of memories and……Dream and Myth http://www.pep-web.org/document.php?id=apa.002.0446a&type=hitlist…

1 of 4 8/20/2012 11:12 AM

with stories about dwarfs or brownies or elves, eagerly read in childhood. The week before he had spoken… [Read More]

Pulver, S – Clinical use of the manifest dream

…Manifest Dream


Mack took issue with the sleep researchers’ view that coherence in the dream is a part of secondary
revision, to be distinguished from the manifest…

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Ferro, The Patient as the Analyst’s Best Colleague_ Transformation into a Dream and Narrative

…and as






PEP Web – The Patient as the Analyst’s Best Colleague: Transformation in… http://www.pep-web.org/document.php?id=anrp.002.0199a&type=hitlist…

1 of 4……Analyst’s Best Colleague: Transformation in… http://www.pep-web.org/document.php?id=anrp.002.0199a&type=hitlist…

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or whether there are patients who produce dreaming fields — i.e. who always dream, every step… [Read More]

Psya.D. & Certificate Catalog October 2017




their clinical work.

4) Students demonstrate self-understanding and the ability to utilize their emotional
responses to understand and…

Revised: October 2017


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