
Complaint Procedures for Distance Learning Students

…of Higher Education’s non-SARA consumer complaint procedure and online form. More information on filing a grievance with the state can be found on BGSP’s website at: https://bgsp.edu/student-resources/filing-a-complaint-with-the-state/

Out-of-state distance learning students……Massachusetts can be filed here and will be resolved pursuant to 610 CMR 2.00 or otherwise in accordance with the institution’s policies.

The SARA complaint process is as follows:

Students must first attempt… [Read More]

Annual Security Report 2014

…info@sadd.org or 1-877-SADD-INC (877-723-3462).


The Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis – 2014 Annual Security Report

…how best to protect the campus community and protocol for
information dissemination.


The Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis – 2014 Annual Security Report… [Read More]

Between Mother’s Love and Impossible Mourning: Overcoming of Intergenerational Trauma in the Film Beloved

…a job through the renewed kindness of a woman who had once taught her to read. Eventually, in the stirring culmination of the film, women from the town gather to……mother-child reunion that ensues after Paul D leaves, milk emerges as a theme again. The three women sit in front of the fire where Sethe serves them hot milk but… [Read More]

Dahl, E.K-The Concept of Penis Envy Revisited

PEP Web – The Concept of Penis Envy Revisited: A Child Analyst Listen… http://www.pep-web.org/document.php?id=psc.051.0303a&type=hitlist…

1 of 12 9/24/2009 4:32 AM

Dahl, E.K. (1996). The Concept of Penis

…to Adult Women

E. Kirsten Dahl, Ph.D.

Current psychoanalytic scholarship concerning gender development rejects recognition of the genital difference, or

“penis envy,” as central to the construction… [Read More]

Dahl, E.K-The Concept of Penis Envy Revisited

PEP Web – The Concept of Penis Envy Revisited: A Child Analyst Listen… http://www.pep-web.org/document.php?id=psc.051.0303a&type=hitlist…

1 of 12 9/24/2009 4:32 AM

Dahl, E.K. (1996). The Concept of Penis

…to Adult Women

E. Kirsten Dahl, Ph.D.

Current psychoanalytic scholarship concerning gender development rejects recognition of the genital difference, or

“penis envy,” as central to the construction… [Read More]

2020-21 Spring Registration Packet Accelerated Psya.D_

…please contact the Financial Aid Office or visit:
http://www/gibill.va.gov or http://www.mass.edu/veterans.

Student loan borrowers are required to notify both the Director of Financial

Aid and……the US Department of Education,
of any status or address changes.




Who may register? What may I register… [Read More]

Spencer, Delivering the Woman Artist from the Silence of the Womb

…literature, has written: “My view, that Nin’s definition of the basis and of

the goals of women’s writing is most accurate and corresponds to what other women writers are……Institute of Arts and Letters, as well as her informal position as an always controversial spokeswoman for the

women’s movement. Nin’s fame coincided, then, with the “second wave” of… [Read More]