
The ‘Deus’ in ‘Ex Machina’

By Wes Alwan, former BGSP student

Source: http://www.3ammagazine.com/3am/the-deus-in-ex-machina/

While the “deus” is missing from the title of Alex Garland’s incredible film Ex Machina, it figures prominently in

…ballet. Her conversation alternates between questions that sound like an online dating Web form—“is your status … single?”—to forms of raw connectedness that elude many human beings. She has a… [Read More]

Kligerman, Jean Jacques Rousseau, The Artist as Parent

…the crucial stages. Not only have most artists been men, but those women who were able to overcome the formidable obstacles

to recognition that stood in their way have……Rousseau: The Artist as Parent http://www.pep-web.org/document.php?id=aop.009.0225a&type=hitlist…

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According to Rousseau natural man does everything in his own favor—“he is numerical unity”—numero uno! He… [Read More]

Spotnitz, H-Aggression In The Therapy Of Schizophrenia

…Page 1 of 6PEP Web – Aggression in the Therapy of Schizophrenia*


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aggressive handling of the patient, pointing out the need for…humiliating.” Two other women in the group agreed with her.

In his executive capacity, this man is accustomed to giving orders that people are usually pleased to follow.
… [Read More]

Freeman, T-The Delusions of the Non-Remitting Schizophrenias

…had reached a severe ‘end state’ (three women

and one man); six had reached a moderately severe ‘end state’ (four women and two men); and two, a mild ‘end…

PEP Web – The Delusions of the Non-Remitting Schizophrenias: Parallel… http://www.pep-web.org/document.php?id=bafc.011.0217a&type=hitlis…

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Freeman, T. (1988). The Delusions of the Non-Remitting Schizophrenias: Parallels

… [Read More]

Margolis, B.D-The Object-Oriented Question A Contribution to Treatment Technique

…The Object-Oriented Question: A Contribution to Treatment T… http://www.pep-web.org/document.php?id=mpsa.019.0187a

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findings (Meadow, 1970, 1974; Kalin, 1978; Lefkowitz, 1980) suggest that the object-orented question……occasions for the

contradictions and the syntheses necessary to further the patient’s emotional growth.

PEP Web – The Object-Oriented Question: A Contribution to Treatment T… http://www.pep-web.org/document.php?id=mpsa.019.0187a

3… [Read More]

How Much of Your Memory Is True_ _ DiscoverMagazine

…our store of knowledge, by

making old memories malleable in response to new information. “When you encounter a familiar experience, you are

remembering the original memory at the…

“That is essentially what reconsolidation is.” The evident purpose of episodic memory, after all, is to store facts in the

hope of anticipating what might happen next. From

… [Read More]

Gordon, Death and Creativity


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it in his article, ‘The pornography of death’, published in Encounter in 1955 (GORER 9). And an interesting study of the……advance of his emotional development, tells me that he has
been obsessed

PEP Web – Death and Creativity: A Jungian Approach http://www.pep-web.org/document.php?id=joap.022.0106a&type=hitlist…

3 of 10 10/16/2014 2:36 PM

… [Read More]