
Meadow, P-Resonating with the Psychotic Patient

…Mod. Psychoanal., 16:87-103.



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A woman who entered treatment severely regressed…


temperamental differences from the early stages of fetal growth (18 weeks). Each of the twins observed
seemed to establish a “characteristic pattern of behavior that continued in

… [Read More]

Student Handbook 2017

…houses PC computers and printers for student use. Librarians are available by

appointment for instruction in use of on-line resources. Students may also access our wireless

…fees, are

nonrefundable. The tuition refund policy schedule follows:

Withdrawal received prior to the first class meeting: 100% refund

Withdrawal received prior to the… [Read More]

Student Handbook 2018-19




3. There is no substantial dispute on the facts of the case, and it is agreed that the facts of……is dotted with restaurants, coffee houses and specialty shops. It is an easy

drive or train ride to the many cultural and historical attractions of Boston and surrounding… [Read More]

Stein, The Artist of the Beautiful


1 of 4 10/16/2014 2:59 PM


In this reactivation of his childhood trauma, as Hawthorne indicates, Warland relapses “into the state whence he had been……in the crucial meeting between

Warland and Annie Hovenden.

The girl, apparently uncertain about the man whom she loves, appears in his shop with the request, “‘Will you… [Read More]

Fossi, Psychoanalytic Theory and the Problem of Creativity

…To demonstrate how far these concepts are removed from any empirical observation, we

PEP Web – Psychoanalytic Theory and the Problem of Creativity http://www.pep-web.org/document.php?id=ijp.066.0215a&type=hitlist&…

2 of 11 10/16/2014……and the Problem of Creativity http://www.pep-web.org/document.php?id=ijp.066.0215a&type=hitlist&…

9 of 11 10/16/2014 3:02 PM

The current crisis of psychoanalysis also involves studies of various forms of creativity. After having pointed… [Read More]

Chuah and Jakubowicz-Enriching the Experience of Teaching


Page 2 of 11PEP Web – Enriching the Experience of Teaching through Understanding and Using Cou…


compassion, but also something rugged and very hard….…on site stress workshop for teachers: the creation of a therapeutic group environment. Group, 20: 131-

Slavson, S. (1950), Transference phenomenon in group psychotherapy. Psychoanal. Rev., 37: 39-55.
… [Read More]

Freud, S-Symbolism in Dreams-Introductory Lectures 149-169






Page 71 of 117PEP Web – Introductory Lectures on Psycho-Analysis


experience, we have collected enough of……8/22/2008http://www.pep-web.org/document.php?id=se.015.0001a

element, the tertium comparationis, of the supposed comparison. On further reflection we may afterwards
discover it or it may definitely remain concealed. It is strange, moreover, that if… [Read More]

U.S. Ambivalence about Torture: An Analysis of Post-9/11 Films

By Dr. Stephen Soldz

BGSP graduate Dr. Jean Rahbar has just published a paper in the online film journal Jump Cut that was based on her dissertation research

…gaining any of the supposed benefits that come with torturing another individual.

Her complete paper, U.S. Ambivalence about Torture: An Analysis of Post-9/11 Films, can be read here.

… [Read More]

The ‘Deus’ in ‘Ex Machina’

By Wes Alwan, former BGSP student

Source: http://www.3ammagazine.com/3am/the-deus-in-ex-machina/

While the “deus” is missing from the title of Alex Garland’s incredible film Ex Machina, it figures prominently in

…ballet. Her conversation alternates between questions that sound like an online dating Web form—“is your status … single?”—to forms of raw connectedness that elude many human beings. She has a… [Read More]