
Kavaler Adler, The Divine The Deviant and the Diabolical

…and the Diabolical: A Journey Throu… http://www.pep-web.org/document.php?id=ifp.009.0097a&type=hitlist&…

1 of 12 10/3/2014 10:20 AM

Early Paintings: The Process of Progression
Although Jane presented many paintings to the group, I……back the fastidiously made bedspread to lie down only to be verbally assaulted by his wife for spoiling the bed. This memory

not only underscores the mother’s pathology, but… [Read More]

Student Handbook 2017

…houses and specialty shops. It is an easy

drive or train ride to the many cultural and historical attractions of Boston and surrounding


in the library and online with the exception of texts books. A student copy machine offers the

opportunity to photocopy additional readings and students are advised… [Read More]

Spotnitz-transference and countertransference in group therapy

…him into a highly competitive situation. In this buyer’s
market, the therapist enjoys a favored position; but as the group members shop around among the array of
emotional bonds offered,…



Page 1 of 6PEP Web – Transference and Countertransference in Group Psychotherapy*


were a source of great annoyance, he added, because

… [Read More]