
Private: Certificate in Addictions Counseling

http://www.bls.gov/ooh/community-and-social-service/substance-abuse-and-behavioral-disorder-counselors.htm (visited July 10, 2015).

[siteorigin_widget class=”SiteOrigin_Panels_Widget_Button”][/siteorigin_widget] [siteorigin_widget class=”WP_Nav_Menu_Widget”][/siteorigin_widget] Required Courses

CP 101 Psychological and Addictions Assessment
CP 102 Theories of Counseling
CP 103……and intervene effectively in their lives.

Students gain practical experience at an internship, performing each of the state-defined 12 core functions of addictions counseling for a minimum of 10… [Read More]

Sharp, Preface

…writing. By not participating in the

debate as to their importance, psychoanalytic practitioners lost the battle to be

heard by failing to participate in the definition……The American Psychological Association statement pertaining to Evidenced-Based

Practices in Psychology (http/www.apa.org/practice/guidelines/evidence-based-

statement.aspx#) identifies “a number of competencies that promote positive

therapeutic outcomes,” which I… [Read More]

Sharp, Preface

…writing. By not participating in the

debate as to their importance, psychoanalytic practitioners lost the battle to be

heard by failing to participate in the definition……The American Psychological Association statement pertaining to Evidenced-Based

Practices in Psychology (http/www.apa.org/practice/guidelines/evidence-based-

statement.aspx#) identifies “a number of competencies that promote positive

therapeutic outcomes,” which I… [Read More]

Sharp – Preface

…writing. By not participating in the

debate as to their importance, psychoanalytic practitioners lost the battle to be

heard by failing to participate in the definition……The American Psychological Association statement pertaining to Evidenced-Based

Practices in Psychology (http/www.apa.org/practice/guidelines/evidence-based-

statement.aspx#) identifies “a number of competencies that promote positive

therapeutic outcomes,” which I… [Read More]

Shedler Scientific American

…why and how
they avoid what is distressing.

Identifying recurring patterns. Sometimes peo-
ple are acutely aware of painful or self-defeating
patterns—like choosing romantic partners who are
unavailable or……early age.

It was one thing for Jeffrey to tell me of his unhap-
py past, but soon this old relationship pattern came to
life, as Jeffrey began responding… [Read More]

Noy, Originality and Creativity

…(p. 235). Polanyi (1958) claims that Einstein, too, while

PEP Web – Originality and Creativity http://www.pep-web.org/document.php?id=aop.012.0421a&type=hitlist…

1 of 13 10/3/2014 10:15 AM

announcing his Special Theory of……a new context is … an essential part of the creative process” (p. 529). Parker (1963) describes

creativity as “the act of seeking out, trying out and combining knowledge… [Read More]

Meyer, J- Development and organizing

…fortune to work with patients representing a spectrum of perverse syndromes. In presenting material from the
analysis of a transvestite (Panel: ‘Current views of paraphilia,’ American Psychoanalytic Association annual meeting,…
suggests that those patients were employing ad hoc perverse mechanisms to ward off loss, overwhelming anxiety, or fragmentation. While
regressions may occur in organized patients, those exacerbations are within…
[Read More]

Mitrani, Trying to Enter the Long Bla






PEP Web – Trying to Enter the Long Black Branches: Some Technical Exte… http://www.pep-web.org/document.php?id=ijp.092.0021a&type=hitlist&…

2 of 13 9/3/2014 10:52……awareness of otherness’ are unable to be endured.
Consequently, analyst and patient remain largely undifferentiated (from the patient’s point of reference) and the resulting contact with the
analyst is mainly…
[Read More]

Blechner, M – Patient’s dreams and the countertransference

…his own associations to a patient’s dream. I believe, however,

Page 4 of 13PEP Web – The Patient’s Dreams and the Countertransference


that while this……analyst that could not
be stated by the patient in direct, waking speech. These included communications that were the opposite of the
stated words of the patient: one patient, for…
[Read More]