
How Do I Recognize When Countertransference is Interfering?


Details Countertransference is omnipresent in our psychoanalytic work. Studying how this phenomenon can lead to countertransference resistance is one of our major tasks. This workshop offers an

…by NECHE to the administrative staff of the institution. Individuals may also contact: New England Commission on Higher Education, 3 Burlington Woods Drive, Ste 100, Burlington, MA 01803-4514, 781-425-7785 or… [Read More]

Addictions: A Perfect Storm?

…of the institution. Individuals may also contact: New England Commission on Higher Education, 3 Burlington Woods Drive, Ste 100, Burlington, MA 01803-4514, 781-425-7785 or email: info@neche.org

… [Read More]

Inviting the Worst Self to Treatment

…deep healing can begin. In this workshop address extensively studied techniques, such as how the invitation is made, and what constitutes reparation, healing and change.


Claudia Luiz,……of the institution. Individuals may also contact: New England Commission on Higher Education, 3 Burlington Woods Drive, Ste 100, Burlington, MA 01803-4514, 781-425-7785 or email: info@neche.org

… [Read More]

How to Have an Awful Marriage

…regarding the accreditation status by NECHE to the administrative staff of the institution. Individuals may also contact: New England Commission on Higher Education, 3 Burlington Woods Drive, Ste 100, Burlington,… [Read More]

Joker: Antihero or Mirror?

…the administrative staff of the institution. Individuals may also contact: New England Commission on Higher Education, 3 Burlington Woods Drive, Ste 100, Burlington, MA 01803-4514, 781-425-7785 or email: info@neche.org

… [Read More]