
Fossi, Psychoanalytic Theory and the Problem of Creativity

…how the passage from libidinal to neutralized energy takes place, how the unconscious passes to consciousness, how we pass from an

unconscious fantasy which constitutes as such the fulfilment……and of sentiments) and from the triangular relationship we have arrived at that of part object.

Keeping pace with the formulation of the object-relationship theory have been theories of… [Read More]

Pozzi, M.E-The use of observation in the psychoanalytic treatment of a 12-year-old boy with Aspe

…reach him. In order to communicate with him emotionally, the therapist created a modified technique which

reflected the patient’s development from part-object to whole-object relationships. This development became……technique designed to

reach and ‘to reclaim’ the patient (Alvarez, 1992), which I describe here. My patient not only suspended his capacity for attention,

but also probably never… [Read More]

Freud, S-Symbolism in Dreams-Introductory Lectures 149-169

…to you [p. 105] that it does sometimes
really happen that nothing occurs to a person under analysis in response to particular elements of his dreams. It
is true that…





Page 71 of 117PEP Web – Introductory Lectures on Psycho-Analysis


experience, we have collected enough of… [Read More]

Lansky, The Screening Function of Post-Traumatic Nightmares

…that patient’s family system present and past.

The interest in nightmares was given impetus by psychotherapeutic contact with combat veterans and with patients who had suffered

physical or……workable vocational and familial adaptation tenuous or unattainable. It seemed as though these patients’

senses of shame derived in large part from their identifications with parents of the same… [Read More]

Oliver Sacks Video

…way of creating a safe environment that facilitates free communication.

Watch this fascinating interview segment here: http://www.webofstories.com/play/54371?o=SH

The entire interview can be watched here: http://www.webofstories.com/play/oliver.sacks/1

…on to describe the importance of maintaining proprieties such as use of last names between analyst and patient as a way of creating a safe environment that facilitates free communication…. [Read More]

What the Therapist Thinks About You – NYTimes


group, said: “I’ve offered to share my notes with patients and they’ll say,
‘No, I’m good.’ But it’s a good concept that should be researched.”


Toward the end of each session, she and the patient begin the note
together defining the key points that have been raised.

Dr. Kriss said… [Read More]

Werman, Methodological Problems in the Psychoanalytic Interpretation of Literature

…Oedipus “trilogy” as a clash between the matriarchal and patriarchal principles. The slow, painful, and often violent passage of

matriarchal into patriarchal society, and the continued presence of aspects……PEP Web – Methodological Problems in the Psychoanalytic Interpretation … http://www.pep-web.org/document.php?id=apa.027.0451a&type=hitlist…

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(Mother and father buried too)

No other brother can be… [Read More]

Beres, The Contribution of Psycho-Analysis to the Biography of the Artist

…the Biography of the A… http://www.pep-web.org/document.php?id=ijp.040.0026a&type=hitlist&…

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BERES, D. 1957 ‘Communication in Psychoanalysis and in the Creative Process: A Parallel.’ J. Am. Psychoanal….…to the biographies by non-analysts? To

(Received 4 March, 1957)

Read in part at the Fall meeting of the American Psychoanalytic Association in the Panel on ‘The… [Read More]